4 sep 2021 – 11:30
Lat: 28.634245 Lon: 84.470765
Today got up late as we have a lazy day planned to acclimatise. At 8:45 h we left for Ponkar Lake at ~4050 m. Pemba & Kazi, no backpacks, rushed with 500+ (!) m/h up. It took me quite an effort to keep up with them, but my heart rate was still between 115 and 135 so still plenty reserve. It’s a holy lake and both Pemba and Kazi did their religious duties. When we climbed the slope above the hill, I got dizzy… so I must take care tomorrow passing Larkya La at 5106 m. Namgya told me that I should not worry about a little headache as once passed it will go steep down. We will probably leave early tomorrow morning.